Itelweb is a web application that consolidates the information of all Itelmatic™ toolboxes in the system providing global reports and alerts. With Itelweb, you can configure your Itelmatics, monitor system security and generate reports for data analysis.
Take a unified view of all your Itelmatic data and information.
Tool Set-up: The Tool Set-Up function helps configure any object's (tool's) Drawer, Pocket and Reader. Tool Maintenance provides the ability to capture the services performed by the tool or indicates when a replacement is made to substitute tools that are no longer needed.
Utilities: Easily synchronizes data between the toolbox and the application.
Reports: Generates consolidated reports for user activity project-wide.
Catalogs: Our intuitive interface gives an "at-a-glance" view of the toolbox and system management functions, such as companies, branches, ranks, CTKs, users and permissions.
Security: Because security profiles and information can be set remotely, it is easy to turn access to tools and toolboxes on and off for your users.