Guest Column | February 25, 2010

RFID as a Service (RaaS) Leveraging The Cloud To Drive ROI

Click Here To Download:
Guest Series Part 1: Market Landscape Creates Opportunity For RaaS
Guest Series Part 2: RFID As A Service - Core Vs. Context

By Ravi Panja, President, InSync Software

We all thought, or at least hoped, that it would go faster than it has...

RFID adoption, which is undeniably experiencing growth even in this tough economic climate, has still managed to lag considerably behind analyst projections at the beginning of this century. The reasons for this are far from uniform for each application, as each industry faces unique roadblocks. However, if you are lucky enough to have been entrusted with the task of leveraging RFID and sensor-driven technologies for your company, you likely can attest that the majority of adoption and deployment difficulties are the result of two distinct challenges.

Technology Choice Overload
RFID is an emerging, albeit mature, technology. There is certainly no dearth of hardware or software options in today's RFID marketplace. There is an abundance of varying hardware options (frequencies, functionality and application relevance, economics, etc.), a wide variety of software applications (middleware, line of business, etc.), and complex back-end integration issues — the result is that many companies are unable to find a single vendor who can cover all of their needs, and they therefore are forced to piece together multiple systems. The result is a marketplace shortage of complete, or hardware/software-matched, solutions that require minimal time and effort to prove, develop, and deploy.

Click Here To Download:
Guest Series Part 1: Market Landscape Creates Opportunity For RaaS
Guest Series Part 2: RFID As A Service - Core Vs. Context