
Alien Technology EPC Class 1 UHF RFID Tags

Source: Alien Technology Corporation
Alien Technology offers an array of EPC Class 1 UHF tags for case and pallet applications, with tags optimized for maximum sensitivity and orientation insensitivity. Alien's EPC class 1 tags can also be applied to metal and liquid environments.

Download the complete product sheet now.

Alien Technology offers a range of low-cost tags that have been optimized for a variety of applications for case and pallet tagging. Alien Technology's tags have been designed for maximum sensitivity and orientation insensitivity.

Alien Technology produces ultra-high frequency (UHF) tags as well as 2450 MHz (microwave) frequency tags. We offer an array of EPC Class 1 UHF tags for case and pallet applications, with tags optimized for maximum sensitivity and orientation insensitivity. Alien's EPC class 1 tags can also be applied to metal and liquid environments.

Download the complete product sheet now.